
Showing posts from June, 2017

Summer project: proposal

Summer project: proposal Media text:   T.I - Warzone music video (2016) Media issue/debate:  Police brutality The history of police brutality and the conflict that this brings between people of different ethnicities/classes/job. Also, a deeper look at the outcome for police and the victims when this happens and also what regulations the police institution have on making sure that the people they are employing are fair and unbiased. In addition to this, I would look at the media coverage of these events, the statistics and how many police officers are and are not convicted for these crimes, also, the effect it has on society as a whole and the actions that they carry out against this. Things like the blacklivesmatter campaign would come under this debate.    Link to Media key concepts (MIGRAIN) - at least THREE:    Ideology: The idea that if you are African American you are likely to be violent or carrying a  gun or drugs leading to little leniency or investigation from the

Summer Project: Ignite presentations

Summer Project: Ignite presentations Media text: T.I - Warzone music video (2016) Media issue/debate: Alternative r epresentations in music industry and Police brutality   Media text: Attack The Block Film (2001) Media issue/debate: Representation of young people Media text: Facebook ad ( Media issue/debate: Communication  Media text: Get Out film (2017) Media issue/debate: Representation of Black and White People Media text: The Internet - Girl ft. KAYTRANADA music video (2015) Media issue/debate: Representation of homosexual music in the music industry Media text:  O.J: Made in America   Media issue/debate: Documentaries glamourising criminals. 

Introduction to the Critical Investigation: Issues and Debates

Introduction to the Critical Investigation: Issues and Debates 1) Write a one-sentence answer to the initial questions in the factsheet: Do fashion magazines contribute to the occurrence of eating disorders? In my opinion fashion magazines do contribute to the occurrence of eating disorders due to there being a continuous representation of women that are slim or men that are in muscular. However, there is starting to be a rise on women that are more curvy or "plus sized".   Do games make people behave violently? This depends on the individual. Some people are easily influenced by what they consume whilst others are not.  Does advertising work? Advertising works to some extent. Some products that are advertised on television may be more effective that adverts on websites like YouTube. This is because advertising on YouTube can be skipped and viewers may wish to skip the advert as it is disrupting what they want to view.  Does social media generate mis